TSC Arts: BIRDS Showcase
This showcase is in collaboration with L3X. The auditorium exhibit is artwork by TSC for the Arts participants who have created art that fits with the BIRDS theme in the auditorium. In the dining area we have an exhibition of BIRD photography from Big Bend Area photographers. Both exhibit areas will contain interactive educational information for the viewer as well as a L3X talk on Backyard Birdsongs from Wild Birds Unlimited and art reception on Thursday September 14th from 5 – 6:30pm, with a $5 suggested donation.
To purchase a piece, please contact heathhilary.mcrae@talgov.com and she will put you in touch with the artist directly.
For more information about the TSC Arts Program, please email heathhilary.mcrae@talgov.com. To register for art classes, please visit: https://www.tallahasseeseniorfoundation.org/art-classes/.
Click on the images below to view a larger version of each piece. Enjoy!