Landmarks of Tallahassee Showcase

An exhibit of artworks by TSC for the Arts participants and instructors is inspired by local landmarks, memories, state archives and iconic local subject matter in Tallahassee and the Big Bend area.

To purchase an art piece, please contact and she will put you in touch with the artist directly.

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Click on the icons to find out more about the subject matter in the artwork.


Cathy McGregor, Secret Garden at Maclay Gardens State Park, Acrylic, NFS

Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park is a local Tallahassee treasure that was purchased in 1923 by Alfred B and Louise Maclay who turned it into the beautiful gardens that can be enjoyed today. The peak blooming season runs from January 1st through April 30th and features a variety of flowering bushes, including azaleas, camellias, gardenias, and many more. This peaceful park can be thoroughly enjoyed by walking its two short nature trails. However, hikers, bicyclists and equestrians can also explore the five miles of woods surrounding Lake Overstreet and next to the gardens.

My daughter and her husband were married in this secret garden on a warm October afternoon many years ago. Often used for weddings, the area proceeds through a gated brick and ivy arch to a refreshing walk beside a reflecting pool and on to a beautiful, wooded lake.  What could be more perfect than Maclay Gardens with camellia bushes and flowers blooming profusely on a warm autumn day. Such good memories. – Cathy McGregor

Amy Cober, Iconic Tallahassee Sewer Cover, Acrylic, Foam and Cardboard, $2,500

Iconic Sanitary Sewer Cover: Tallahassee Florida is a mixed media three-dimensional work done with modeling paste, foam, cardboard  and acrylic paints, measuring 24 inches round.

“Across the globe many countries use sanitary sewer covers to reflect civic pride and share artistic works. This version of the Tallahassee “manhole cover” depicts the city of Tallahassee logo that was in place at the time of its installation. It sits on my street in front of my home and was the inspiration for the artistic replica I created. – Amy Cober

Chip Townsend, Union Bank, Watercolor, $100

Carol Franchi, Lake Ella, Oil, $85

The Many Lives of Lake Ella via Tallahassee Magazine

Judy Fongheiser , Goodwood Museum and Gardens, Acrylic, $150

The Goodwood Estate began in 1830 as a Cotton & Corn Plantation ultimately encompassing 2400 acres.

The main house from1830 & 16 historic outbuildings still remain on 20 acres. This is one of the finest antebellum houses built in the area. It has some of the earliest fresco ceilings & a vast collection of fine furniture, porcelains, textiles, glassware, art & more.

The estate is a popular destination for Heritage Travelers, Weddings, Conferences, & celebrations. – Judy Fongheiser

Mary Lou Merritt Smith, Cottages at Lake Ella formerly Tallahassee Motor Hotel, Acrylic, NFS

I was inspired to paint the cottages at Lake Ella because they go back in my lifetime to the first time my parents came to Tallahassee, and we stayed in one of the cottages. It was in early 1960s and we found them so unusual, including beds that vibrated when you put a coin in them. My brother and I found that extremely funny. My parents appreciated the shade of the trees all around. – Mary Lou Merritt Smith

David Lee, Bradley’s Country Store, Acrylic, NFS

We’ve enjoyed Bradley’s Country Store for the last 34 years. The Old-Fashioned Fun Day is still such a great opportunity to gather with friends and neighbors annually. Thank you, 3rd and 4th generation Bradleys’, especially my longtime friend, Maureen Bradley. I’ll be by again very soon for another Bradley’s Smoked Sausage Dog! – David Lee

Charles Hazelip, SouthWood House, Oil, $500

SouthWood House was originally built in 1865 by Benjamin Chaires for his daughter Sara Jane Chaires Ward. This house was formerly owned by Robert Butler and John Ward Henderson. It was moved from the southwest corner of Adams and Saint Augustine Street in the 1900s. It was purchased by Edward Ball for the Dupont estate in the 1940s. Formerly known as the Ball House, the current SouthWood House has been restored to resemble its original and elegant historical appearance. Nestled among rolling hills, majestic oaks, and native flowering trees, the charming manor is now available for community events, such as corporate parties, weddings, holiday gatherings or luncheons. – Charles Hazelip

Robert D. Smith, The Phillips Clock Tower, Oil, NFS

This medieval looking tower rose on the northwest corner of the Phillips home, designed and built at 815 S. Macomb St. in Tallahassee by Mr. Phillips in 1919, who was said to have designed buildings for the 1890 Paris World’s fair. Sometime in the early ’80s it disappeared, but no records exist of who dismantled the building or where its parts were taken. – Bob Smith

Brenda Francis, Tallahassee Train Station, Oil, $560

My painting of the Tallahassee Train Station is from an old 1970’s photo taken by my husband.  He was and still is a train buff and has been photographing train depots and old buildings for many years.  What attracted me to this one, apart from being the Tallahassee station, was the color of the building. – Brenda Francis

Patsy Stokes, Capitol, Acrylic, NFS

Historic Capitol Brochure

Charles Hazelip, A Cottage at Goodwood, Oil, $100

Pam Springer, Maples Pool, Oil, $70

Although located just off Old Plank Road in Wakulla County, Maples Pool is very much a Tallahassee icon for those that grew up around here. This sulfur pool provided families, teenagers, and college kids a cool swimming hole during the hot steamy summers, a place that was recognized as a fun place to go. You knew you were there by the stinky smell, then by all the dusty vehicles lined up along the hole and seeing people jockeying to hit the refreshing very smelly water. In addition to the music and general good time, we were often graced with the presence of a very large eel that would emerge from the rocks and swim among us, that is, until someone spotted it causing a mad exodus from the pool!

Sadly, a few years ago the swimming hole was closed to the public, however, we have our fond memories – like rinsing off after a nice dive and the camaraderie shared among strangers. – Pam Springer

Tom Mitas, St. Marks Lighthouse, Oil, $97

There must be a million pictures and a thousand paintings of St. Mark’s Lighthouse.  St. Mark’s is a wonderful park.  If you haven’t gone there, you should.  Go often and enjoy nature at its best. The access to the wild areas is so easy and a comfortable walk for many.  The park is never the same two days in a row.  It is always changing.

This is my attempt to capture the sunset and the lighthouse just before the lights come on.  This is such a beautiful area.  We go there often.  The lighthouse is not something that I usually attempt to paint.  Flora, fauna and landscape are my comfort zone.  Well, in this painting the lighthouse is part of the landscape, so it is not too far off. Please enjoy my endeavor of the view and sunset. Your friend and artist. – Tom Mitas

Karen Stewart, FSU Horse, Oil, NFS

Osceola and Renegade

Amy Cober, The Road Traveled (Miccosukee Greenway), Acrylic, $1,000

The Miccosukee Greenway is an idyllic public use area that highlights the abundant trees here in Leon County. From the draping oaks to the tall pines, Tallahassee is indeed a veritable city of trees. My husband and I spend many hours bicycling and walking in the many parks and recreation areas that make Tallahassee so special. The original photo from which this painting was abstracted includes my husband cycling on the popular Miccosukee Parkway. – Amy Cober

Cathy Neel, Historic Chaires Church, Watercolor, $150

I have always loved old houses, churches and cemeteries.  They reveal so much of our history. So many stories to tell about the people, their daily lives, hardships, fortitude and accomplishments—or even leave us to simply wonder.

There is much history in the Chaires Community, east of Tallahassee, established in the 1820’s by Green Hill Chaires and his 2 brothers. Over time a thriving town grew up with a school, post office, a church and the railroad.

The community church, established in 1862, is still thriving. Although there is a new sanctuary now, the old church is still in use. It is a typical Southern plain white, board, rectangular building. I chose to paint its iconic, yet simple, steeple because it seems to reflect the people’s connection to the land, their since of being and foremost, their spirituality. – Cathy Neel

Teresea Brown, First Presbyterian Church (Tallahassee), Acrylic, NFS

First organized on November 4, 1832. Building built between 1835 and 1838. Those dates make it the oldest church in Tallahassee and the oldest building in Florida still being used for its original purpose.

On the U.S, National Register of Historic Places. The architecture is considered a combination of Greek and Gothic Revival. – Teresea Brown

Chip Townsend, Hilltop General Store, Watercolor, $100

The Hilltop General store and Café; good food and a lunchtime  hangout for public safety workers near the Leon County and Jefferson County line on Hwy. 90 east. – Chip Townsend

Chip Townsend, Havana Police Department, Watercolor, $100

Becky Patterson, If these Walls Could Talk (Leon High School), Oil, $300

Debbie Gaedtke, Old Tallahassee Armory (TSC Building), Oil, $400

Old undated photo of the Leon County Armory building – Tallahassee, Florida.

Company A, 1st Battalion, Florida State Guard – Tallahassee, Florida. 1945

Ellinor couple being admitted to the National Guard dance on New Year’s Eve in Tallahassee. 1959.

Charles Mason, left, of the City Recreation Dept., handing Phillip Barineau a pair of rental skates at the Armory in Tallahassee, Florida. 1957.

Judy Fongheiser, Mutt and Jeffs Drive-In, Acrylic, $100

Mutt & Jeff’s Drive in opened in 1948 & continued servicing customers until 1981. It became a favorite teenager hangout for the next 4 decades. It was the place to  check out the girls & guys or stop in with your date or meet friends. Favorite food items: Icky – which was regular lemonade with a little vanilla syrup or Cherry Coke, Slaw Dogs, or the Wimpy hamburger. -Judy Fongheiser

Tom Friedman, Leon Hotel (An Evening in 1890), Charcoal & Chalk Pastels, $350

When I thought of the subject, Landmarks of Tallahassee, it occurred to me that much of what has made downtown Tallahassee unique has been either torn down or remodeled so that it no longer suggests our past.

I queried the Florida State Archives and found a couple of subjects that appealed to me.

The Leon Hotel was built in 1881 and burned down in 1925.  Architecturally, it was a southern gem.  As it no longer exists, I decided to portray it at night. – Tom Friedman

Vintage Postcard of the Leon Hotel – Tallahassee, Florida.

Vintage Photo of the Leon Hotel – Tallahassee, Florida.

Robert D. Smith, Ruby Mae Smith Diehl and Sons Theodore and Raymond, Oil, NFS

This scene depicts Ruby Smith Diehl and her sons Theodore and Raymond in 1911 seated in a horse drawn buggy parked on the east side of North Monroe Street.  In the background what is now known as College Avenue crosses Monroe. Monroe Street, then dirt, became paved in 1913. – Bob Smith

Tom Friedman, Monroe Street near College, Circ. 1890, Charcoal, $250

When I thought of the subject, Landmarks of Tallahassee, it occurred to me that much of what has made downtown Tallahassee unique has been either torn down or remodeled so that it no longer suggests our past.

I queried the Florida State Archives and found a couple of subjects that appealed to me.

Though the corner of Monroe and College looks similar then to now, I noted that it no longer has a third story and seems to have been refaced.  As I thought it might be the same building, I showed it in daytime. – Tom Friedman

Jackie Lloyd, Jim and Milts Restaurant, Acrylic, $375

Participating in the iconic Tallahassee exhibit was an opportunity to paint a location that held special memories for me. I was introduced to Jim and Milt’s by my brother, who was attending FSU when my husband and I moved to Tallahassee in 1980. We both worked on the FSU campus, making it a convenient place for delicious BBQ in a fun and friendly atmosphere. I had the honor of meeting the owner while volunteering with a local non-profit; he generously made annual donations of gift cards for fundraising events. Closed in 2021, after over 50 years of serving Tallahassee, Jim and Milt’s remains a place of happy memories and will be missed. – Jackie Lloyd

Brenda Francis, Shell Oyster Bar, Oil, $800

This is painted from an old photo of my husband’s, probably late 70’s.  Shell Oyster Bar was then housed in an old gas station on S. Monroe.  That building is no longer there but Shell Oyster Bar is……Just in another building around the corner from the original location.  It is still famous for its fried shrimp and still draws a big crowd. – Brenda Francis

Joel Thornton, Cabos Restaurant, Oil, NFS

Cabos Restaurant Article via WTXL

Tom Mitas, Canopy Roads, Oil, $163

Every weekday, during the school year, I take my grandson Tony to school.  We always take Old St. Augustine from his home to school.  Driving that road, albeit small, is such a pleasure.  The trees droop over the road.  The bushes lean in to meet you.  If you drive with the windows down, the fresh breeze and trees provide a special fragrance.  The county does its best to keep them back, but we all understand, Mother Nature will always prevail.

A couple of Saturday’s ago, actual early morning before sunrise, driving down Old St. Augustine, I stopped my truck and started taking pictures trying to capture the sunrise.  Other than dodging some car, I guess I was lucky in a couple of cases, some decent pictures came out.

Look down the road in the painting and tell me if you can feel the sunrise. Enjoy the many Canopy Roads, they will not last forever. Your friend and artist. – Tom Mitas

Terry Hawkins, Lake Overstreet (Maclay Gardens), Oil, $450

When asked to paint a Tallahassee landmark I immediately thought of Alfred Maclay Gardens State Park. Drawn to this area because Maclay has been a special place for our family for many years. From childhood field trips, spring garden tours, evenings listening to beautiful music at the annual Moon over Maclay event. We’ve celebrated family weddings and it’s the location where several of our granddaughters took their high school graduation photos. Beautiful Lake Overstreet and the beautiful scenic trails are 144 acres in size and falls within the property of Maclay Gardens and is very near Lake Hall. Access to the lake is only by hiking, biking and in my case by horseback.

It is interesting to note that the lake and land surrounding it were part of the Lafayette Land Grant. During antebellum years, this lake was within Andalusia Plantation owned by Frenchman Emile Dubois. Later, it was the western border the Live Oak Plantation. – Terry Hawkins

Sandy DeLopez, Live Oak Plantation Road, Oil, NFS

Live Oak Plantation is an iconic canopy road, famous in Tallahassee to residents and visitors alike. Two miles long in the city limits, it’s easily accessible and connects two main roads. – Sandy DeLopez

Lynn Heacock, Cypress Swamp (Tallahassee Museum), Watercolor, NFS