Gulf Specimen Marine Lab
April 5, 2022
9:15 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday, April 5 9:15 am – 3:00 pm At Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Panacea, you begin to get a better sense of the organisms that live in the water of the Gulf of Mexico. The lab contains a collection of sea water tanks and aquariums which focus on creatures such as seahorses and hermit crabs, spiny box fish, electric rays, spotted calico crabs – just a few of the endless living treasures of north Florida’s coast. In addition, GSML is a sea turtle rescue and release facility. During our visit, we will have a tour of the lab and a lecture on sea turtles by lab director, Cypress Rudloe, in the new Anne Rudloe Memorial Education Center followed by lunch at a local seafood restaurant. Fee $19 includes transportation from TSC; does not include the cost of lunch. Limited space available.
Venue: Gulf Specimen Marine Lab
Venue Phone: (850) 984-5297