Concert Therese Whicello
May 29, 2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
CoffeeHouse Concert Therese Whichello
Thur, May 29, 11:00 am
Singer/ songwriter/beloved music teacher Therese Whichello believes that “music is forever,” and she aspires to create memorable and enduring musical experiences. Her beautiful voice and piano playing has captured the hearts of Tallahassee music lovers, and she has become the voice teacher of the stars! Catch her magic, music and mastery here at TSC. Lucky Goat coffee served. $10 donation. Pastries $2 donation
Venue: Tallahassee Senior Center - Dining Room
Venue Phone: (850) 891-4000
Address:1400 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee, Florida, 32303, United States